Shout Volunteers learn and develop a wide range of skills and experience that help them in both their professional and their personal lives. 85% of volunteers feel they have gained mental health knowledge and skills that they can use in their lives beyond Shout and 84% say their role gives them a sense of accomplishment.
Celebrating our Shout Volunteers
Case study - Clare, Shout Volunteer
Clare became a Shout Volunteer in 2019 after seeing the service launch on the news. Like many of our volunteers, becoming a Shout Volunteer gave Clare a sense of purpose and she loves the flexibility that volunteering for a digital organisation offers. Not only has she made new friends through being part of the volunteer community, Clare says it has made her a better version of herself, too.

“I often volunteer in the early hours of the morning when many texters feel at their loneliest. Being a Shout Volunteer is a huge honour and privilege - so often texters share with us things they have never shared with anyone before.”
Shout Volunteer
Case study - Avi, Shout Volunteer
Having used Shout and found it helpful, Avi went on to become a Shout Volunteer himself.
The training gave him an appreciation for the importance of compassion, reflection and active listening - skills he now applies within his own relationships.

“The most rewarding part of being a Shout Volunteer is knowing that I have helped somebody after each shift. It might not always be something that has a huge impact, it could just be helping someone feel less lonely when they are low, or helping a texter to find safer alternatives to self-harming.”
Shout Volunteer
Shout has a warm and supportive community as well as a highly accessible and inclusive volunteering offer. Volunteers work flexibly from the comfort of their own homes, doing two to four hour shifts per week and choosing the times that best suit them. We have volunteers from every region in the UK and a team of volunteers on the other side of the world in New Zealand who help us maintain our 24/7 service.
Case study - Ben, Shout Volunteer
Ben tragically lost his younger brother to suicide in 2018 and reached out to Shout while he was struggling with his thoughts and feelings at university.
Ben has gone on to become a mental health campaigner and advocate, has worked with Shout on a number of awareness campaigns and also volunteers for Shout.

“I’d do anything to go back and change things, but I can’t. What I can do is help someone else choose to stay, and in turn change another family’s story. That’s why I trained, that’s why I volunteer, because I know what it’s like to lose someone, and I know that I don’t want anyone to ever feel like they’re alone.”
Shout Volunteer