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Shout is the UK’s only free, 24/7 text messaging support service, powered by Mental Health Innovations

The service is proven to reach new audiences who prefer to text and helps to take pressure off local crisis phone lines and face-to-face services. Using technology, Shout is accessible by communities across the length and breadth of the UK, reaching underserved populations who would not otherwise have a means of support. 82% of texters find their conversation helpful.

In Shout’s four years of existence, we have scaled our service to take three million conversations with more than 950,000 children, young people and adults who have needed immediate mental health support. As a digital service, the anonymised Shout dataset gives unique insight into UK mental health trends.

Conversations with Shout's clinically-led service are taken by mental health professionals, overseen by Clinical Supervisors. Commissioning Shout enables ICBs to deliver against NHSE advisory specifications for implementation of 24/7 crisis text message services, integrated with their local services, including 111 phone service provision.

How Shout works

Text: Your bespoke keyword to 85258

Connect: With a mental health professional, supported in real-time by Clinical Supervisors

Explore: Build rapport and encourage the texter to open up about what’s worrying them

Plan: Work together to plan how the texter can stay safe going forwards, with signposting to agreed services

Close: Conversation ends after around 45 minutes


Our unique track record

3 million

conversations since launch

1,500 - 2,000

daily conversations with people from every region across the UK


each conversation costs just £10


of conversations were related to suicide


safety plans co-created with texters who were at imminent risk of suicide


the number of texters who were at imminent risk referred to emergency services

Key insights into texters

Shout reaches vulnerable groups who are more likely to struggle with their mental health and who may not get help elsewhere:

63% are children and young people and 26% of school-aged texters are receiving free school meals

55% have no-one else to talk to and 38% have never spoken to anyone about their mental health before

18% identify as Autistic and 19% live with ADHD

10% live with learning disabilities

38% identify as LGBTQ+

Young texter hands hold phone.png

“Ambitions for providing appropriate and effective crisis support include that people can access support in the way that feels most suitable for them, whether that be on the phone, over text or accessing support face to face. Options are available to suit everyone’s needs and preferences.”

UK Government

Suicide Prevention Strategy for England (2023 - 2028)

How the clinically-led service works

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Benefits of the clinically-led service

  • Mental health professionals: To support your texters in mental health crisis
  • Dedicated service: Quicker response times in busy periods and the flexibility to swiftly increase staffing levels to meet demand
  • Integration with your 111 service: Onward signposting to your keyword from 111 (option 2)
  • Integration with local services: Direct signposting to up to five local services
  • Integration with local crisis helplines: Direct signposting to local 111 24/7 helplines
  • Bespoke keyword: Chosen by your organisation
  • Keyword information on the Shout platform: Providing our mental health professionals with context around the person they are supporting
  • Keyword marketing consultancy: Materials and tools designed and created by our marketing experts to help you promote your keyword
  • Keyword insight and trend reporting: Anonymised insights and trends to help you understand the issues your keyword texters are facing

"Mental Health Innovations have been very supportive throughout the process of bringing the text line to our local area, providing us with a range of comms resources to promote the service. They have been proactive in answering questions ICB and health and social care partners had as we established this service and launched the clinically-led model.”

Emma Welsh

Mental Health Crisis Concordat Lead, NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB

Integration with ICB local services

NHS England recommends that the 24/7 crisis text service delivered by ICBs is integrated with their local services. This is something that Shout is able to facilitate, in order to provide your local population with efficient and effective pathways for support.

We can offer this in two ways:

  1. Integration with your NHS 111 service: We will work with your ICB and 111 provider so that when callers dial 111 and choose Option 2 for Mental Health, they can then choose whether to speak to someone on the phone, or have a text conversation instead.
  2. Integration with local services: Shout’s mental health professionals can directly signpost texters to appropriate local services, to give them access to ongoing support and care. We will work with your ICB to understand your local crisis services and the thresholds for direct signposting to them. We will work to give people who have taken the first steps to seek help via text message the confidence and information they need to access additional local services. The texter will have a record of their Shout conversation on their phone, along with any safety plans created, should they want to share this with local support services, with no need to retell their story.

Our NHS partners

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  • NHS_Hampshire_IOW.png
  • HWHC.png
  • NHS NE NC web
  • Northamptonshire.png
  • Nottingham integrated care system.png
  • Oxford-Health-web
  • NHS-sussex.jpg

"This innovation aligns with the urgent and emergency mental health care support offer across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, supporting people to get access to mental health response 24/7, including those who may need urgent community response. It has increased our digital interface with our citizens to ensure we break down the barriers to health inequalities and equal access to all."

Sonya Mclean

Senior Programme Manager, Mental Health Crisis Care Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board

Get in touch

Complete the form to contact Caroline Westley, Director of Income, about how a partnership with Mental Health Innovations could work for you.