Find out about upcoming events at Mental Health Innovations, as well as accessing previous webinars on-demand.
Upcoming events:
Previous webinars available on demand:
Understanding the importance of sleep for our mental health and wellbeing
To mark World Sleep Day, our most recent clinical webinar focused on the subject of sleep. We shared targeted exercises and evidence-based techniques to improve your sleep, as well as how to cope when sleep seems elusive.
Shout 24/7 mental health service as a support solution for the NHS
In research with NHS Digital, Shout was proven to take pressure away from NHS phone lines when signposted to from the 24/7 urgent mental health helpline finder. We have been commissioned by nine ICBs to provide our Shout Keyword Service and are in advanced discussions with a further 19 to launch this year. In preparation for NHSE requirements, we are hoping to work with more ICBs over the coming months to get services up and running before 1st April 2024.
Supporting your students with the 24/7 Shout mental health service
69,000 text conversations in 2022 were from people identifying as students meaning almost 12% of all texts received last year were from this population. Insight gathered from these conversations showed 40% of these texters came to us with suicidal thoughts or ideation. Learn more about the Shout service could benefit your student population.